
The Cost Of Living In Abuja | Everything You Need To Know

Nkwuda ThankGod Alex

Planning to move to Abuja? Learn everything you need to know about the cost of living in the Nigerian capital city. Start budgeting for your new life in Abuja today!

The Cost Of Living In Abuja | Everything You Need To Know

Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, is a center for business, politics, and culture. With its rapid growth and development, Abuja has become a popular destination for individuals and families alike. However, before making the move, it's essential to understand the cost of living in Abuja. In this article, we'll break down the expenses you can expect, from housing to food to transportation, to help you plan your budget and make an informed decision.

1. Cost Of Housing

Housing expenses in Abuja can be quite high, especially in upscale neighborhoods such as Maitama, Asokoro, and Gwarinpa.

Here are some approximate costs:

  • 1-bedroom apartment: ₦1,500,000 - ₦3,000,000 per annum
  • 3-bedroom apartment: ₦3,000,000 - ₦6,000,000 per annum
  • 4-bedroom apartment: ₦6,000,000 - ₦12,000,000 per annum

2. Transportation Costs:

Getting around Abuja can be costly, especially if you rely on taxis or ride-sharing services. The city does not have a well-developed public transportation system, so most residents use private cars or motorcycles for commuting. The lack of a well-established public transportation system means that there are limited affordable alternatives for commuting in Abuja. While there are some buses and minibusses available, they are often overcrowded and unreliable, making them an unattractive option for many residents.

As a result, many residents feel compelled to rely on private cars or motorcycles for their daily commute. However, the costs associated with owning and maintaining a private vehicle can be substantial. Fuel prices in Abuja are relatively high, and the city's traffic congestion can lead to increased fuel consumption and wear and tear on vehicles. Additionally, parking fees and toll charges further add to the expenses of commuting by private car.

Here are some approximate costs:

  • Car purchase (used): ₦2,000,000 - ₦5,000,000
  • Car maintenance (average): ₦50,000 - ₦100,000 per month
  • Fuel (average): ₦50,000 - ₦100,000 per month
  • Public transportation (bus): ₦100 - ₦500 per day

3. Food And Grocery Expenses

Food prices in Abuja can vary depending on your lifestyle and preferences. Here are some approximate costs:

  • Meal at a local restaurant: ₦500 - ₦2,000
  • Groceries (basic items): ₦10,000 - ₦20,000 per month
  • Dining out (mid-range restaurant): ₦5,000 - ₦10,000 per person

4. Utilities:

Utility costs in Abuja can vary depending on your usage and location. Here are some approximate costs:

  • Electricity (average): ₦10,000 - ₦20,000 per month
  • Water (average): ₦5,000 - ₦10,000 per month
  • Internet (average): ₦10,000 - ₦20,000 per month

5. Entertainment And Leisure Activities

Abuja offers a wide range of entertainment options, from shopping malls and cinemas to parks and cultural events. The cost of entertainment and leisure activities can vary, but on average, a movie ticket costs around ₦6,000 to ₦12,000, while a visit to a museum or art gallery can range from ₦3,000 to ₦7,000 per person. If you enjoy dining out or attending concerts, be prepared to spend around ₦69,000 to ₦138,000 for a night out on the town.

6. Other Expenses:

Other expenses in Abuja can include:

  • Healthcare (average): ₦50,000 - ₦100,000 per month
  • Miscellaneous (average): ₦20,000 - ₦50,000 per month


The cost of living in Abuja can vary depending on your lifestyle and preferences. However, with this breakdown, you can plan your budget and make an informed decision about your move. Remember to factor in additional expenses like healthcare, entertainment, and miscellaneous costs to ensure a comfortable living in Abuja.

Whether you are a local resident or an foreigner, Abuja offers a unique blend of opportunities and experiences that make it a great place to call home.


Thanks for reading: The Cost Of Living In Abuja | Everything You Need To Know, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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